Sign the Guestbook
Leave a message explaining how Wyatt has impacted YOU. Please feel free to share your thoughts in our guestbook using the form below.
Leave a message explaining how Wyatt has impacted YOU. Please feel free to share your thoughts in our guestbook using the form below.
Wyatt I think of you everyday as president of the Wyatt Fan club at CNMC CICU, I can tell you that you and your family are remembered fondly by many people.
I was grabbing a few last minute things from the Weis grocery store in York, PA tonight. I stopped to look at the dog beds and pick up an envelope with a Random Act of Kindness #wyattwarriors2016 on it. When I opened the card it had a lottery ticket inside. To say that this made my day is an understatement. I was having an extremely stressful day and just wanted to get home and cuddles with my doggies. As I cuddles with my doggies I have looked up your amazing foundation. You have some very special people helping spread the WW message.
Thank you and I intend on passing on the Random Act of Kindness along with a holiday donation.
Wyatt I think of you everyday as president of the Wyatt Fan club at CNMC CICU, I can tell you that you and your family are remembered fondly by many people.
I was grabbing a few last minute things from the Weis grocery store in York, PA tonight. I stopped to look at the dog beds and pick up an envelope with a Random Act of Kindness #wyattwarriors2016 on it. When I opened the card it had a lottery ticket inside. To say that this made my day is an understatement. I was having an extremely stressful day and just wanted to get home and cuddles with my doggies. As I cuddles with my doggies I have looked up your amazing foundation. You have some very special people helping spread the WW message.
Thank you and I intend on passing on the Random Act of Kindness along with a holiday donation.